Sunday 23 June 2013

News about creatine supplements in sports

Muscle, quickness, endurance, regeneration
Creatine has long been considered physiologically little interesting and largely ignored. Today, creatine has the status of a recognized and officially approved food supplement worldwide. This was due to strong basic research on the effects and functions of creatine. To the doping stigma was overcome and successfully refuted rumors of side effects.

The substance is ingested orally directly into the muscles. It is funneled through a specific creatine transporter by the muscle cell membrane where it develops scientifically documented effects. In August 1995, creatine has been officially approved by prior examination by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG).
In a communiqué issued on 14.12.1998, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Lausanne has officially confirmed that there are no objective reasons to take creatine on the doping list and that it may be used by athletes for athletes and natural performance enhancement. By the European Commission for Food Safety Authority (EFSA) a longer-term creatine supplementation has been classified as a supplement at a dose of 3 grams per day for adults to be safe, provided that the chemical purity of the creatine product is guaranteed (EFSA Journal (2004 ) 36: 1-6);

Meanwhile, millions of peak and recreational athletes the substance. Based on the results of some 350 publications that have appeared to creatine supplementation in sports, creatine is an effective performance enhancing (ergogenic), natural and side-effect-free dietary supplement qualified.
In a position paper of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Creatine has been described as the most effective ergogenic "nutritional supplement" that a scientifically proven increase in muscle mass (lean body mass) with a significant increase in maximum muscle strength and performance as well as the "high-intensity workout capacity "causes. In addition, both short-term and long-term use of creatine is taxed (at chemical purity and compliance with dosage regimens) not only safe but also beneficial in terms of prevention of sports injuries

Creatine promotes muscle formation and increases muscle mass
During normal muscle differentiation or regeneration of muscle fibers of muscle injuries are rapidly dividing muscle precursor cells called myoblasts, satellite cells, respectively, is formed.
By fusion of the individual precursor cells arise multinucleated syncytia (myotubes called), in which the contractile apparatus of muscle fibers formed. For all these processes require much energy. Play an important role in creatine kinase and creatine. Externally supplied creatine supports the reconstruction of the cytoskeleton, which is necessary for the fusion of myoblasts to myotubes and their differentiation into muscle fibers.
Characterized the addition of fusion rate increases myoblasts and myotubes increases the diameter of the muscle and stimulates the synthesis of proteins. Creatine increases the expression of muscle-specific transcription factors, whose function is necessary for the development of muscle mass, while suppressing the expression of myostatin, a negative regulator of muscle mass. When athletes creatine increases the expression of insulin-like growth factors such as IGF-I (> 30?%) And IGF-II (> 40?%), Activates the essential for building muscle stem cells and accelerates muscle differentiation via activation of Akt / PKB signaling cascade.
The stimulation of muscle growth and thus the lean lean mass (lean body mass) is connected simultaneously to an increase in muscle strength. These results also apply to the rehabilitation of patients with muscle atrophy due to immobilization, and for patients with muscle diseases associated with muscle wasting.

Creatine increases explosive power and promotes endurance and recovery
Creatine supplementation leads to an increase in creatine concentration and intramuscular an improved cellular energy status. The muscle cells can thus work longer on more efficient energy level. Together with the finding that creatine muscle fiber cross-section of all muscle fiber types, including the oxidative type I fibers increases stamina, helps the better recharging of the "muscle batteries" not only to a Steiner ¬ delay the explosive strength of muscles and
a shorter relaxation time, but also to better repetitive maximal strength performance. In addition, the endurance is increased, delaying the fatigue threshold and improves recovery after intense exercise. Is also relevant for endurance athletes that creatine if taken with carbohydrates after an intense workout, not only leads to an increase in phospho-creatine levels, but also to a significant accumulation of glycogen in the muscles.
Thus, an optimal sprint endurance effect can be achieved. In addition, the blood parameters of muscle inflammation and soreness after endurance performance can be significantly lowered by creatine intake. Finally, by increasing interference of creatine with the central serotonin and dopamine system, the perception threshold of fatigue for athletes. It was also shown that creatine increases the concentration of carnosine in the muscles, which increases the resistance to muscle fatigue. This new, additional, partially indirect effects are likely to be of interest, especially for endurance athletes. As well as the fact that the recruitment and differentiation of creatine muscle satellite cells are activated. These cells are responsible for the repair of muscle damage, as they often occur during intensive sport, responsible.

This creatine-related factors, together with the improved by creatine recovery after exhaustive performance, overall look also enhance performance in endurance athletes and allow, among other things, a significant increase in training cadence. In a small percentage of athletes, the non-responders, creatine seems to work very little. Whether this is due to a simultaneous intake of creatine with caffeine, is questionable. Given that many creatine supplements can be ordered over the Internet, it is very important to note that the purity of the creatine products you can represent a significant health factor and received health risks from the consumption of non-ausgewiesenem creatine. Meanwhile the only non-Chinese creatine production facility is AlzChem consolation mountain in Germany, which guarantees pure creatine is produced under the name Creapure ®. Therefore it is recommended to consume only those creatine products solely based on Creapure ®.