Friday, 12 July 2013

Nutritional supplements like creatine for athletes

Replace the workout by dietary supplements and very easily get to the dream body - for many, this certainly sounds for the ideal wishful thinking but of course not so easy to get to its destination. Supplements promise a lot: from a better muscle building on the rapid regeneration and a later onset of fatigue to an improved fat burning there is any problem the corresponding remedies. But what ingredients are actually effective and support the health of a healthy way?

Proteins for the regeneration process

Of proteins, or their smallest blocks, the amino acids, such as human tissue is muscle, bone and brain cells, to name only a few. They make hormones that provide a defense against harmful pathogens in the body and also regulate digestion and blood clotting. By the daily food intake to cover the protein requirements is ensured in general, but especially athletes can benefit from a higher dose. Especially for regeneration after intensive loads in a strength or endurance training proteins can be very useful.

More power with creatine

The body's own substance creatine infected mainly in muscle cells and is responsible for, among other things, called by the cleavage of adenosine triphosphate, ATP also short, to form adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and thus release energy. This energy in turn charges the battery of your muscles and then in turn can be used for a short time to move. By additional amount of creatine phosphate, creatine in muscle can be increased, and thus the maximum efficiency can be maintained longer. Just strength athletes that need to provide fast and high performance in a short time, can benefit from an extra intake of creatine.

Buy supplements online

Besides these two basic nutritional supplements, there are of course many other products to support physical fitness and performance: from amino acids that support healthy muscle building on carbohydrates as an ideal supplier for energy to specific vitamins and minerals. It is important to be careful to take only natural products without harmful additives to him. Otherwise, one harms his body in the long term, which in the worst case can have fatal consequences. Who wants to buy his supplements online, find below a trustworthy shop.