Tuesday 5 February 2013

Creatine supplements for fitness, bodybuilding and sports performance

The world's best-selling creatine in bodybuilding
Written by PR Gateway Posted on: January 7, 2013
Creatine For strength and power sports have become indispensable.

 Why Creatine of fitness, bodybuilding and sports performance can not be ignored?

Creatine has become next to protein and carbohydrates in the last 20 years as the most popular and best selling power supplement. Straight from modern supplementation (provision of food supplements) Creatine is unthinkable because it especially competitive sport with great success used. But not only in professional sports creatine enjoys an ever-growing user community. More and more creatine holds also at grassroots collection but because especially in fitness, bodybuilding and weight training (weight lifting, powerlifting, power lifting) and in any form of speed-strength sports such as martial arts, athletics and team sports. Creatine is to speak in almost all athletes mouth.

Meanwhile, there are more than enough studies that show the meaning of creatine, and it is obviously not a placebo effect, which can grow here the muscle and strength of the athletes. Where 20 years ago, was not sure whether creatine is even classified as a dietary supplement, it is now quite normal that creatine either as several weeks of treatment or by Dauersupplementierung (this is a nutrient in non-maximum dose taken throughout to permanently produce the desired effect ) hold is used by athletes of all stripes who, in the context of a planned training program to maximize their power. The reader is lit naturally a fast that without proper training with creatine, no significant gains can be reached in strength and muscle mass. Above all, the training is the limiting factor for muscle growth and strength gains. Through proper training stimulus is muscle growth and strength gains initiated and creatine helps in this regard, the release of energy in the muscle cell to optimize.

In the working muscle cell Creatine serves as a kind of tool that maximizes ATP regeneration (ATP is immediately available form of energy in the muscles, and a particularly important energy regulator). Characterized the muscle cells are in a position more to provide faster and more services. Using the resynthesized by ATPs creatine in the muscle is capable of explosively releasing kinetic energy / force. The increased strength gains result then depends (desired by martial artists, athletes, cyclists and team sports) by their training in more speed strength or more maximum power (that is, for example, the goal of the weightlifters and powerlifters). The effect of use especially bodybuilders and fitness athletes to bring their body into the desired shape.

Apart from the mentioned positive effects in the field of sports, creatine is also increasingly used in the medical rehabilitation and prevention, because the body uses creatine for a healthy brain and nerve function. Those looking for more information on this exciting nutrient should apply directly to German supplement manufacturers. There you can get high quality creatine supplements at affordable prices and can be certain that the German food law lies at the bottom.


Birch, R., Noble, D., Greenhaff, P. (1994). The influence of dietary creatine supplementation on performance during repeated bouts of maximal isokinetic cycling in man. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 69, 268-270 
 Balsom, P., Ekblom, B., Sjodin, B., Hultman, E. (1993a). Creatine supplementation and dynamic high-intensity intermittent exercise. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 3, 143-149. Casey, A., Constantin-Teodosiu, D., Howell, D., Hultman, E., Greenhaff, P. (1996). Creatine ingestion favorably affects performance and muscle metabolism during maximal exercise in humans. American Journal of Physiology, 271, E31ff 
 Cooke, W. Barnes. W. (1997). The influence of recovery duration on high-intensity exercise performance after oral creatine supplementation. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 22, 454-467. Earnest, C., Snell, P., Rodriguez, R., Almada, A., Mitchell, T. (1995). The effect of creatine monohydrate ingestion on anaerobic power indices, muscular strength and body composition. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 153, 207-209. Ferreira, M., Kreider, R., Wilson, M., Grindstaff, P., Plisk, S., Rein Hardy, J. et al. (1997). Effects of a supplement designed to sting total enhance creatine uptake on strength and sprint capacity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 29, S146. (Abstract 
 Goldberg, P., & Bechtel, P. (1997). Effects of low-dose creatine supplementation on strength, speed and power by male athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 29, S251. (Abstract 
 Green, A. in, Sewell, D., Simpson, L., Hulman E, Macdonald, I., Greenhaff, P. (1996a). Creatine ingestion augments muscle creatine uptake and glycogen synthesis during carbohydrate feeding you. Journal of Physiology, 491, 63rd

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